Smart Technology For Better Education

The one and only solution for any kind of mobile app needs


Our Services


Software design at high and low Level. We design wireframes, object models, and mockups too.


Structured programming with standardized coding methods and version control system


Your data is secure with us. We keep all images, videos and content with access specification


We uses the trending technologies and best servers. Which will help our customers a quick and secure access


KHEE team is at-most available to support our customers all the times. Every single ticket will be considered and resolve on priority basis


We develop both the Android and IoS app development to our customers with latest technologies


Do more with our VIDYA app


Communicate with ease

Uniquely developed to communicate among institutes, staff and students .

The lack of communication between the institute, students and parents is no more with KHEE - Vidya app. As on every notable action will be communicated with respective students and their parents. This helping many parents to understand whats the student performance

Scheduling Exams & Fee alerts

Uniquely developed to send exams and fee alerts.

All the upcoming exams and fee related details will be sent via appropriate communication channels such as SMS and Emails in prior time. This helps students and parents to plan accordingly.


Realtime Messaging service

Our algorithm's will automatically send SMS to the parents on their children is absent for the period. It helps the parents to understand their children attendance. The system will send the SMS on much more scenario's.

  • 1
    Create an Account

    One Student, One Account. It is as simple as that

  • 2
    Student Login

    Once the student is successfully, logged-in, then he/she can view all the related details, such as timetable, exams, results, notes, homework and many more.

  • 3
    Parent Login

    Parents can easily track of their children educational progress. This will help them to take necessary steps at the early stages.

  • 4
    Staff Login

    Staff can easily take the student attendance, publish notes, give home-works, add exams and results and much more


Download Anywhere

Available for all major mobile and web platforms. Also the android mobile application is available, which make users can view all required details in mobile.

*Works Android Kitkat and above.

Bangalore, India.